Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hello, World! and Welcome to my Blog!

Greetings everyone, and a Happy New Year to you!

Let's be honest, I've started new years in better ways. Today I've been mostly confined to my bed, with toilet paper tissues in one hand and a newly-configured cell phone to play with in the other. But on the plus side, it has been snowing beautifully all day long, so at least I had something to look at.

This blog is going to be the hub for my New Years Resolutions, which I hope to stick to, but I usually pick them up and put them down throughout the year. Here's what I hope to do, CONSISTENTLY being the key word:

1. Complete the 52 books challenge! I usually read a lot of books during the year, but in fits and bursts. I hope to make reading a constant habit for myself this year and complete a book a week!

2. Charitable Giving - each week I will be introducing and giving a small donation to different charities. It's a way to make a tiny impact on the world, and also to educate myself on different causes and issues that need our help! And maybe it will inspire others to donate too!

3. Keep track of my money! I have a few strategies in the works to save more money and sketch out a plan for where my finances will be going in the future. (Spoilers: the final destination is student loans. groaaan.) I'll post more about this later!

So, welcome to my blog, and I look forward to your comments!  \(^▽^)/

My first book of the year, a blast from the past, is: Mattimeo, by Brian Jacques! It's a fun little paperback that was laying around our apartment. I borrowed it from my roommate's boyfriend - but shhh, don't tell him!

A bit of history: I burned through the entire Redwall series quickly during middle school, a few years after relentlessly teasing a classmate about reading the books (sorry, Andy!) but I'm glad I picked them up! The books are fantastic and action-packed. My brother also tore right through these - we share a love of medievalesque fiction.

Here we go! Cheers to a great 2014! The blog will officially start with a sum-up and charity profile this week, as soon as I'm done with Mattimeo. :)


  1. Welcome to the 52 Books challenge and have fun reading Mattimeo!

    1. Thanks! I'm already greatly enjoying it. And I'm surprised at how much I've remembered of the story. :)
